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The world is too hot. Let's manage your internal heat with spiced water🎵

Agra, Moti Bagh, India 2019

It's hot here in NYC. Every day, I can hear people screaming "It’s too hot!" 

I'm sure you all have various techniques for preventing heatstroke, but why not add one more, Ayurvedic method to your list:

"Use spiced water to get rid of the heat in your body!"

In India, one of the world's hottest countries, people have been using oils and spices to combat the heat for ages. Try this easy-to-make spice water to improve digestion, cool down from the inside, and prevent summer fatigue.

Let's make a Spiced Water

Cardamom is great for digestion, heartburn, and nausea. Simply chewing on a cardamom seed will refresh your mouth. 

Add 1 tsp of cardamom seeds to 1 liter of water, soak for a day, strain, and enjoy. You can also pour hot water over 2,3 cardamom seeds to make a cooling tea. It's also effective when added to iced tea or coffee.

*People with Pitta should consume in moderation.

Cumin seeds have a cooling effect on the body. Soak 1 tsp of cumin seeds in 1 liter of water, strain after a few hours (or overnight), and drink the water. This drink also aids digestion, relieves anxiety and stress, and improves insomnia. 

Fennel: In India, fennel seeds are served after meals to support digestion. You can soak 1 tsp of fennel seeds in 1 liter of water over night, strain and enjoy. It also has the effect of preventing sunburn, so fennel is the perfect summer spice. 

*Kapha people should use in moderation.

Coriander is great for detoxing and cooling. Soak 1tsp of coriander in 1 liter of water over night, strain it and drink. It is great for Pitta balances as well

Fenugreek seeds are great for who lose their appetite in summer. Soak 1/2 tsp of fenugreek seeds in 1 liter of water overnight, strain it and drink it the next morning.

 *people with pitta imbalances should avoid 

*Adjust the amount of spices to your taste


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